Semi-conductor Demand Is Going to High Peak
The birth history of semiconductors can be traced back to late 19th century, advanced IC integration and the large-scale integrated circuit was not developed until the end of the 70s. Then technology continues to advance, making millions of thousands of electronic components per chip possible to put into mass production and keep upgrading each year, which develops semi-conductor industry.

Straight to the point, Taiwan is proud to have owned all detailed knowledge (perhaps the only two countries in the world) and well putting into practice from upstream to bottom applications.

Like already mentioned above, IC chips are upgrading every year. We could positively assume that the upcoming 5 to 10 years, semi-conductor requirement will be significantly growing up and far beyond our imagination, based on current demands and performance. In addition, according to “Semiconductor Equipment and Materials International”, SEMI, Global semi-conductor market is approaching US$450Bn in the year of 2019, within which the major applications are memory, analogy, logic, MPU, PV, LED, MEMS, and FPD.

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Fog components